Hercules (1997), with Ayelet Haimson-Lushkov

“The 90’s are just the 80’s until they become the mid 2000’s.”

We fully consider the coconut that is Disney’s animated take on the mightiest of all heroes. Joined for the first time by our wonderful guest, Dr. Ayelet Haimson-Lushkov, Colin and Eli discuss heroism, fame, Michael Jordan, Superman, Big Hero 6, Moulin Rouge, Britney Spears and much more. We reveal we are in fact part of a secret progressive Illuminati. Is Danny Devito the real hero? Is this movie the Callimachus of Disney Animation?

This episode was recorded just after the 2020 election, but before the results were settled, which is why our voices have a tinge of existential dread and there’s been 20+ min of election talk edited out…

Movies We Dig
Movies We Dig
Hercules (1997), with Ayelet Haimson-Lushkov